How to Raise a Natural Born Leader
My child is only three so... it's not like I can say that I have successfully raised my child into adulthood!
But my daughter is a natural born leader.
Natural born leaders are hard to raise.
They want to be in charge.
They want to have a say.
They DEMAND instead of ask.
They lack patience.
They aren't exactly stoked about having to submit to their superiors.
They can be aggressive.
They are bossy.
They are incredibly determined.
They don't like listening.
etc. etc. etc.
etc. etc. etc.
Child leaders aren't all that different from adult leaders, if you really think about it...
As a first time parent, or just a parent in general to a natural born leader- these innate characteristics can be daunting, intimidating, or even dreadful.
I decided from the get-go that I was going to LOVE my daughters leadership qualities.
I am no expert, and like I said, my daughter is only three, however- I do believe that my attitude toward her has made all of the difference!
I made the decision early on to embrace her the way that she is, and to raise her to be the best version of herself.
So here's what I do...
1. I let her lead.
I give her choices.
(Luckily, I have noticed that for the most part, my child can pretty much make her own choices all day long and I rarely need to interfere.)
I give her the opportunity to practice her leadership skills by allowing her to learn how to make good decisions.
This includes allowing her to make bad decisions so that she can distinguish between the two.
I encourage her to be determined and to accomplish hard things- even if they are scary.
I use positive language like, "you can do it" and "look! you're doing it!" and "you did it! high five!"
2. Clear communication and ALL of the patience
When she is having a hard time listening to me, I wait until she is looking me in the eye, I make sure that whatever I say is short sweet and to the point, and then I double check to make sure that she understood me.
I make sure to always provide her a fair chance, and second chances.
I will remind her frequently to be more polite, patient, and use gentler tones of voice, etc.
I make sure that she is aware of the consequences of her actions and then I let her be.
3. Structure and Stability
I have given her a number of set and consistent rules that I am adamant about- and that provides her and I with the consistency and parental structure that we both need.
And now that we have entered the threenager stage, I am currently focusing on emotional control.
The child has a wicked temper and a very short fuse.
So I have been taking the time to help her vocally identify what she is feeling, practice some deep breathing exercises, and take accountability for her inappropriate behavior.
Natural born leaders need to be able to practice their innate need to lead.
They also need a clear and consistent structure of rules, expectations, and discipline.
They need to learn what it means to be respectful and fair.
They also need to have the freedom to be determined and learn from their own experiences.
If you are also struggling with a strong willed, natural born leader- I feel you sister friend!
Our children were born that way.
And one day they will be incredibly successful adults!
Foster their strengths and help them GROW!
If you are also struggling with a strong willed, natural born leader- I feel you sister friend!
Our children were born that way.
And one day they will be incredibly successful adults!
Foster their strengths and help them GROW!