
Hi! My name is Elise. And I'm a good Mom.
I have a grand total of 3.5 years experience and 2 little ones. 
But I'm a good Mom. (Winky face)

I am nearing my 30's. But age isn't important around here!
I have a little girl named Milani, and a little boy named Malachi.
My husband Rene and I have been married for 4 years with great success!

I have the awesome opportunity to face depression and anxiety. 
Mostly on a daily basis. 
In many forms.
It is what it is.
Sometimes I wallow in self pity, other times I handle it like a boss.
But that's life, isn't it? 

I know I am young and incredibly inexperienced, although over a very short period of time, I have discovered the importance of studying up on "Parenting" and "Motherhood" as much as possible.
I just want to be a "good" mom.
And I know for a fact that "experience" does not determine whether or not you can be a "good" mom.

Being a "good" mom means something different to everyone.
Every situation is different. Every child is different. Every household is different.
My definition of "good" parenting may be completely off the mark from yours. And that's fine!
There are plenty of mom blogs out in the sea for you to choose from!
If that's you then thanks for stopping by! Best of luck to you!

If you find that our values mostly match up, then great!
Welcome to my space!
Stick around!
Learn some "good" mom stuff!
Laugh and cry with me on this incredibly difficult, beautiful journey of Motherhood!

Let's be friends!
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