Don't Brag About Being a "Mean Mom"

Listen to the Podcast Episode here!

"I'm so mean"
Is a phrase that I hear all too often.
And it's said with a smile or a chuckle.

Being a "mean mom" is nothing to be proud of.
And I know from personal experience that being "mean" simply comes from not knowing what else to do.
I get it.
I've been there.

If you have ever found yourself bragging about being "mean" to your mommy friends, let me tell you that there is another way!
It is possible to assert your authority and discipline your little ones without being "mean"
Yes. It is possible.
If I can do it, so can you!

There is so much damage that can be done to your relationship with your child when you are "mean", such as: diminished trust, lack of respect, increased rebellion and acting out, as well as lasting emotional damage that I won't get into...

When you as the mother, or primary caregiver use your authority with respect, and emotional control- you will get that very thing right back from your kids.
Respect and Emotional Control.

My life is currently in an emotional storm.
I am very pregnant, uncomfortable, sleep deprived, exhausted, and in pain CONSTANTLY.
My relationship with my daughter has been suffering.
I have not been as nice as I normally am... and it shows.
The more impatient, snappy, and domineering I act, the more negative results I receive from my child.

However lately, I have been receiving a lot of help.
And therefore, I have been able to rest more and be more patient and loving with my little one... and it shows!
She has been giving me countless kisses and hugs.
She has been more respectful and obedient.
There have been a lot less tears and conflict.
As well as a lot less "No's" and yelling or acting out.
All of the things that we want as parents, right?

I can say from personal experience that being "mean" is not only ineffective, but also the complete opposite of something that we as mothers should be proud of.
I am proud of being a patient, loving, and respectful parent.
I am proud of the balanced and healthy relationship that I have with my daughter.

Other parents may look at me, or my parenting strategy and think "wow, what a push over",
or "wow, I think the toddler is running THAT relationship!"
That's because I'm not mean.
That's because these people may not be aware that there are better ways to treat your child than with yelling, berating, and constant belittling...
I don't blame these people, because I have been there too!

If you are curious about parenting strategies that aren't "mean" then I invite you to check out my book shelf!
See if there is anything there that catches your attention.
And try something new! See how it works for you!
And remember, to always give it plenty of time!
Results don't always come immediately!

You got this mama!

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