Feeling Defeated
Ever since we set the clocks back, it has thrown off my daughter's inner clock.
For several days she was waking up pretty early and not napping during the day.
Plus my parents were in town and so she wasn't going to bed very early either...
We had a rough couple of days...
So two nights ago I said to myself, "Tomorrow I will be nothing but positive all day long. I will not even have one single negative interaction with Milani. Tomorrow, she gets away with everything."
Just to sort of hit the "reset" button and hopefully be able to start over on a clean slate.
Yesterday was literally like the worst day ever.
Malachi- heaven knows why- was up ALL. DAY. LONG.
The only time he would sleep was when I was breastfeeding him, which usually takes about an hour.
He didn't take a normal nap at all. Not once. The entire day.
His colic is improving (another colic update will be coming soon!) so he isn't half as fussy as he used to be. But he is still high maintenance.
For instance, I can't really put him down if he is awake, and I can't leave him alone for too long either.
So when I DO put him down, it's so that I can hurry and put myself together a quick meal or run to the bathroom. And that's pretty much it.
Well around 2 pm yesterday, he finally fell asleep!
So I placed him in his swing, and I took Milani downstairs so that I could get some vacuuming done.
Well she ran upstairs and I told her to come back down right now, and she didn't listen to me and guess what....
She woke up the baby.
So I kind of sort of lost it just a smidge.
I put her in time out for WAAYYYY longer than I have ever put her in time out for and I just kept telling her, "You are in SO MUCH trouble! BIIIGGGG trouble!"
Well as the afternoon and evening progressed, so did her bad behavior.
Go figure.
The night ended with me grounding her to her room at 6:30 pm and she wasn't allowed to leave it.
I was LIVID people!!! Beyond LIVID!
She hit me THREE times, she was doing everything she knew would upset me, and she was purposefully defying me every single time I told her not to do something.
I don't even know how many times I sent her to time out.
I lost track.
So much for a positive day!!!!
Last night I was feeling pretty defeated...
I did get to snuggle with her before she fell asleep and we talked.
I apologized for being so stressed out and not being very nice.
We talked about her behavior and how she wasn't very nice either.
We forgave each other and went to bed on a high note- which was really good for both of us.
Some days you just feel defeated.
But something that I noticed this morning, is that with young children, EVERY day you get to start over with ZERO resentment or animosity from the day before.
My daughter doesn't remember or have any negative feelings from the day before.
This morning she was as upbeat and bubbly as ever!
So even though yesterday sucked majorly.
Today is a new day.