30 Day Minimalism Challenge

Welcome to the 30 day Minimalism Challenge!!!!
I encourage you to really hunker down and push yourself with this!
Believe me, I KNOW how hard it is to let go of things!
I am like the QUEEN of NEVER letting go of anything for as long as I live.
But not anymore!
So let's do this thing!!!

1. Declutter counter tops
2. Empty out junk drawer
3. Go through your clothes and ask yourself "Do I love this?" "Would I buy this again?" if you hesitate- get rid of it!
4. Do the same with your accessories
5. And again with your shoes! (You can do this!)
6. Unfollow/Unfriend everyone that doesn't inspire you, or bring you JOY!
7. Go around your house with a box and don't stop until it's full. Get rid of the extra stuff that you don't REALLY care about. Bonus points for refills!!!
8. Identify 3-6 of your top priorities. Keep them visible on a daily basis.
9. Dejunk and organize the pantry
10. Set apart one day out of the week that will be technology free!
11. Go through your cleaning supplies and get rid of everything you no longer use!
12. Get rid of old make up and beauty products
13. Create a consistent morning and evening routine. Go to bed and wake up at the same hours every day!
14. Raid the medicine cabinet
15. Clean up your phone- apps, contacts, etc.
16. Time to go through your stack of mail/paperwork!
17. Clean up the fridge and throw out everything that is expired or that you won't use within the next month
18. Journal Regularly
19. Clean out your purse and wallet
20. Go through your kitchen cabinets- especially your Tupperware- and dejunk!
21. Bathrooms and showers!
22. Clear out unused and broken sports/outdoors equipment
23. Evaluate your finances and purchases. Set aside certain days out of the week that will be free of purchases!
24. Eat healthy, exercise and meditate regularly- create a schedule!
25. Evaluate your social circles. Surround yourself with only happy and uplifting company.
26. Replace tv, social media, and other unproductive activities with reading
27. Get rid of old books, magazines, movies, and CD's
28. Throw out all of your "duplicates"
29. Finish or toss out unfinished projects
30. Declutter, clean, and organize your car

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