Stay Positive, Mama!

Hi! I'm Elise over here from "A Good Mom" Blog.
I have a grand total of ONE kid! (A 2nd is on his way!).
I have a whopping three years of experience with parenting.
I know I am new and "inexperienced" at this.
That being said, everything that I have to say is based on what I have learned from trial, and error, and mostly parenting books written by professionals.

Stay Positive, Mama!
Easier said than done, am I right???
When your toddler who has been potty trained for 6 consecutive months
starts having accidents again, learns how to climb up the cabinets onto the counter top so that she can play with harmful objects that she is repeatedly told to stay away from, discovers how to lie and has lied to you for the third time that day, throws his/her sippy cup and spills juice on the carpet, and your pregnant and hormonal.... it's easier said than done.

When your little one was up until 4 A.M. screaming in pain over an ear ache,
and your partner (who slept through the whole thing) wakes you up at 7 AM to ask you a worthless question before he/she leaves for work, and you are sleep deprived, feeling a bit nauseous, and have work or a meeting to get to later that day.... it's easier said than done.

Stay Positive, Mama!
But not just in your heart and in your mind.
Actually BE positive- out loud!

Studies show that children raised by parents that maintain a positive
countenance, and that receive positive reinforcement REGULARLY- turn out healthier and listen to their parents more!

If we as parents are allowing our lack of sleep and stress get the better of us (eh-ehm...GUILTY!), then we are likely not maintaining a positive atmosphere in our families and in our homes.
It takes a lot of effort.
At least, it does for me!
To focus on the positive side of everything that my child does, and praise her for it instead of criticizing her short comings.

We should be offering positive reinforcement constantly!
Can you believe it?
For every 1 critical/negative moment, we should be having 7 positive reinforcing moments!
So in-between the wetting the carpet, climbing on top of the counter tops, hiding with objects your child knows he/she shouldn't be touching, tantrums, etc. We need to be offering positive reinforcement every time they pick up after themselves, finish a meal, share a toy, or use the gosh dang potty!

Stay Positive, Mama!
And be vocal about it!
Let the positivity radiate from your face and your countenance!
Let your children know that you acknowledge their strengths MORE than their weaknesses!
In return (and possibly over time), your child will listen to you more, respect you, and live a more positive life!
And isn't that what we all want?

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