"No THIS is my favorite stage!"

I'm feeling pretty irritated that I don't have a "mom stash" yet.
You know, the stash hidden at the back of the top shelf in the pantry?
The stash of chocolate and brownie mix and all manner of unhealthy comfort food. 
Because today....I need a freaking stash.

Every "stage" of my little daughters development has been so magical....
I remember progressing from the newborn stage to two months,
when she started smiling and hinting at little giggles.
The four month stage where she was just pure blissful perfection.
Six months when she started sitting up on her own, attempting to crawl!
The day she crawled was the most joyous day of my life.
Until the day she walked! And then THAT was the most joyous day of my life!
Except when she said "mommy" for the first time. Then THAT was the best day of my life!
And when she began offering hugs and kisses and "I love you"'s all on her own without me asking.
When she conquered potty training.
When she started sleeping through the night.
Then she could dress herself.
Use the potty by herself.
Pretty much do everything by herself.
It was glorious.

Every "stage" of my little daughter's life has been my "favorite"....until now.

We are entering the "threenager" stage.
This is NOT my favorite stage.
For the first time in my child's development, I wish we could step back to the previous stage.
This stage started a few weeks ago.
It was almost like an immediate, over night, from one day to the next, BAM!
One day she's perfectly fine and independent. Happy watching her videos whenever I am desperate for a little break. Obedient, and enthusiastic about pleasing me. And then the next day?
Oh...the next day....

We are currently dealing with a full on teenager folks!
She yells "No!" now. Like, when did that become a thing?
She yells back at me when I ask her to do something or not to do something.
Yelling? Where did that come from?
She is no longer satisfied doing her own thing, playing with her toys, and watching her videos/movies for extended periods of time.
It's "Mommy come play with me" "Mommy look at this!" "Mommy don't read your book!" "Mommy!" "Mommy!" "Mommy!" 
And Hell hath no fury like my daughter scorned, if I do not comply with her request IMMEDIATELY. And I mean Immediately.

I literally sat in a dark hallway for I don't know HOW long, while she played with the flashlight, because heaven forbid I get on with my life and you know, clean the house or something!
Forget about it!
She has never been more needy and demanding of my time and attention as she is now.
She has never been so quick to anger and defiant as she is at this stage.
And I have never been more in need of long bathroom breaks, and a secret mommy stash than I am now!
Heaven help me!

How long does this stage last?
Somebody please reassure me that it will be gone tomorrow!

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