Eliminating Criticism From Your Home
Hello again!
June was a very busy month for us.
We had family visiting for 3 weeks!
First my sister's family, then my mother in law and sister in law.
It has been a blast!
Now that I have provided you with a mini life update, allow me to dive into today's topic of eliminating criticism from your home!
I have been reading some Christian parenting books, and one of the things that I have seen repeated is that criticism is an ungodly trait!
Apparently there really is no such thing as "constructive criticism".
Now I realize that this will bother a lot of you.
Believe me, up until recently I thought that "constructive criticism" was definitely a thing, and that it was a GOOD thing!
I feel you on the frustration, my friend!
According to my findings both in books and in scriptures, there is almost never a time for criticism.
Take a minute and let that sink in.
In fact, go ahead and exit out and stew on it for a week or so and come back when you are ready.
I know that it's hard to hear....
There is a better way to get what you want out of a person. For that is ultimately what criticism is...telling a person what YOU think they are doing wrong, and then usually following up with how YOU think they could do it better. Right?
There is a better way.
A more Christ Like way.
I will allow you as parents, and spouses, and humans alike to determine when criticism is NECESSARY in your own lives and homes.
I think that you will find over time how UN-necessary it really is!
Positive reinforcements are the best way to motivate others to improve.
I repeat. POSITIVE REINFORCEMENTS are the BEST way to motivate others to IMPROVE.
In fact, if you can believe it, criticism has basically the OPPOSITE effect.
More often than not, criticism in any form is the opposite of motivating in almost every scenario.
Think about all of the times that YOU receive criticism, and how often YOU feel edified, inspired, and motived by that criticism.
The answer, according to science, should be "not all that often".
How much more motivated would you be to change and improve if you were to hear, "Thank you" every single time that you did something that you know you need to improve on?
How much easier would it be for you to hear that you have to work on something, if someone were to say, "Next time, could you please do it THIS way? I would really appreciate that. It would really mean a lot to me and here's why...." And they actually left it at that. No nagging. No finger pointing. No going on and on and on and on and on and on and on....
Our suggestions for improvement, if NECESSARY and ONLY when necessary, should be short, sweet, and to the point.
Our positive reinforcements, however, should be CONSTANT!
Talk about a change in lifestyle! Am I right!?!?
Unless you have already conquered this, then good for you! I'll catch up eventually!
This is something that I am currently just starting to work on.
So I'll get back to you on the results!
Let me know how it goes for you!
P.S. Have you jumped on my 30 day challenge??? Check it out here!
And click here for week 1!