Tips For Transitioning Into Stay At Home Momhood

Making the transition into staying at home for the first time can be incredibly difficult and frustrating.
I was fortunate enough to find much more joy and fulfillment in remaining home with my newborn, than I ever did at any one of my jobs.
However, I still experienced some minor frustrations as I struggled to find my groove.

So here are some tips for you other mama's who are just now beginning the transition into being a stay at home mom:

1. Create a schedule for both yourself, and your child. If your staying home with an infant- create a sleeping and feeding schedule that is as consistent as possible and allows you the rest that you need. Create a house keeping schedule where you clean a different room every day, or whatever works realistically for you and your needs. If you have a toddler or older children, then have a daily schedule that allows for daily outings to the park, toddler time, or story time at the city library. Also schedule in your alone time, as well as one on one bonding time with your little one(s).

2. Find your kitchen jam. Maybe you have never cooked before. Well, you might as well start now! Try some home cooked meals involving the stove, the oven, or the crock pot, or pressure cooker. Find what works for you and have fun with it! Get some recipes from your mom, aunt, or grandma! And pinterest has some pretty great recipes as well.

3. Try your hand at baking! Heck, you may even find that you love it! Try baking homemade bread, or making a pie from scratch. Search for a way to bond with your kitchen. Especially if you despise cooking.

4. Your life doesn't have to end! If you enjoy working out, then find a mommy workout group or play group that allows for the kids to play together while the mama's exercise or visit. Or create your own  group! Find a way to involve your little one in your hobbies. If that is simply impossible, then your spouse, family, or hired help come in handy to provide you the break that you need for yourself.

5. Study up on motherhood, as well as home and family life. You are now a professional homemaker and mother! And contrary to common knowledge, it DOES come with a wide variety of instruction manuals. Pick up some books at the library and read up on some mothering techniques as well as good home and family habits and lifestyles. Then create your own! You don't have to resort to tradition....Click here to see my personal book shelf of favorites!

6. Don't tell your partner that you got the idea from me...but take a look around your house! Find some simple ways that you can make some changes to transition your living space into your HOME. Maybe update some light fixtures, paint an accent wall, or get some wall art. Look for some simple ways that won't break the bank, but that will come together to create a space that makes you feel at home. Your home is your office. Make it a space where your spirit sings. One of my favorite things in my home is my wax melt! Nothing says "home" to me more than some welcoming scents! Especially when dirty diapers are threatening to take over the universe!

7. Take it one day at a time. As I mentioned previously, the transition can be frustrating for the first year or two as you are finding your groove. Have patience and give it time. If you are finding that you have too much time on your hands, and you are getting bored- then slow the heck down! Take some much needed breaks throughout the day! Rest up! Pick up some new hobbies like baking, reading, or yoga. Or spend more time doing fun activities with your little ones. (pinterest is a great resource) Set up play dates often. Get out and make new friends!

Best of luck to you during your season of transition!
If you live in the St. George area and need a mommy friend, I have a great little mommy community that I would be happy to introduce you to!!! :)

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