Don't Just "Wing It"
The other morning, Milani was begging me to watch youtube videos.
Lately, I have been limiting her screen time more and more and "weening" her off of youtube.
I have my reasons...
I kept on telling her that if she is a good girl, that she will earn her videos and be able to watch them in the evening before bed.
This wasn't working.
So she asked me again for probably the twentieth time and I just sat back and thought to myself, "What can I do about this? Cause if I don't do something, I'm gonna bust a freaking cap!"
I said a quick prayer, and upon finishing my prayer, my daughter was given the same exact inspiration that I had.
Before I could say what I felt inspired to tell her, she said it for me.
She said, "I know! Let's go decorate cookies!"
The perfect distraction from her videos.
There is some light hearted silliness to the concept of "winging it" as a parent.
I think that we are all just "making it up as we go", in the sense that we make different decisions based on certain circumstances that change day by day....
However, I think in general, parenting should never just be "winging it".
In fact, it never has to be that way.
Children require stability and consistency.
They need to know that X is never allowed.
They need to know that you will react and discipline in the same way every single time.
They need clear, set boundaries, as well as frequent positive reinforcements, etc. etc.
Instead of just "winging it", we should be prayerful always.
I frequently find myself thinking, "Oh my gosh. How do I handle this?"
Or, "I need to say this just right. How should I word this?"
And I will quickly say a prayer and sit and think before I act or speak.
Then, I will evaluate my child's reaction.
If I am prayerful, the reaction is usually spot on and golden.
But if I am not prayerful, sometimes I need to reevaluate and think on how I can improve next time.
In other words, I tend to be snappy, and my child tends to not take it so well...
All I can say is, that the more I pray and receive revelation or inspiration for my children, the smoother, more peaceful the parenting and disciplining processes are.
The spirit of God, in other words- "good vibes", fill my home.
The relationship that I have with my children is edified, and our bonding is stronger.
There are a lot more smiles, giggles, and happiness!
So if you are sick of "winging it", and it just ain't workin' for ya.
Give praying a try!