I Get Nothing From Being a Mother, Yet I Get Everything

The other night I was having a little pity party.
I was crying to my husband about feeling like I do absolutely NOTHING for myself anymore.
That every single thing that I do is for this family.
If I am not focused on meeting HIS needs, then I am focused on the kids.
By the end of the day, I have put every single breath, thought, and effort into building this home.
What about me?
I think I literally said the words, "I get nothing out of this."
Immediately after those words came out of my mouth, I became quiet as my mind was overflowing with these thoughts...

Actually I get EVERYTHING from being a Mother.
I have a very happy and satisfied husband.
He loves and appreciates everything that I do!
And he loves and adores me!
Because of that, he is loyal to me.
He treats me very good.
He is happy, and we have so much fun together as a little family.

My daughter is everything I would hope she would be.
She is growing and developing every single day.
I get to see her learning the little life lessons that I am teaching her every day.
She expresses love to me all on her own, all of the time.
She says "I love you more" whenever I tell her that I love her.
She is happy.
She is healthy.
And she LOVES me.

My little Malachi is the light and the life of my heart.
His little smiles and giggles are EVERYTHING!!!!
Every single thing that I do for him, I do with Joy because of how happy he is all of the time!
I don't need anything more from him than his happiness.
No matter how my day is going, his smile brightens it right up!
So you can imagine, that my days are pretty dang bright with him smiling constantly!

I may not have a great size 2 body, because I don't have the time.
I may not eat a perfectly healthy diet because I reach for whatever is quick, easy, or cheap.
My make up is rarely done.
I prefer comfortable clothes to trendy.
I don't have the acrylic nails with the French tips that I am literally obsessed with.
My back aches every. single. night. from carrying around my 17 pound baby... no spa days for me.
My head pounds at night from all of the screaming and ruckus throughout the day… I don't get much "me time".
I have TRIPPLE under eye bags... no beauty sleep!
I rarely have my husband around to help me and am left to do it all alone.

But everyone around me is not only healthy and taken care of...but they are HAPPY!
Isn't that my job?
Above anything else, isn't my job as a mother to make sure everyone around me is happy?
Their happiness, is my happiness.
When they are smiling and laughing, I feel that I have won.
What is better than having a home full of happiness and an overabundance of love?
So how can I possibly claim that I "get nothing" out of this?
When the rewards that I get are completely and totally priceless!

So if you are having one of those days...
Take a second and count your many, many blessings.
If your kids love you, and they are happy- you are WINNING and have EVERYTHING you could ever need!

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