My Home Is EXACTLY What I Make It
One Saturday morning, my husband took our daughter fishing.
(My husband takes his fishing game rather seriously.)
He had not been fishing on his own in a while and he was really itching for some good fishin' and of course my daughter just goes to have fun outside.
Well she was throwing rocks into the pond, spooking the fish.
So my husband wasn't able to catch a single fish.
When they got home, he was very short with her and I could see that she was very upset.
I could tell that they had had a rough morning.
Finally I had had enough with his 'tude.
So I took the kids out in order to allow for things to simmer down.
When we returned, my husband and daughter were able to make up and the peaceful spirit of our home was restored.
I have learned that the mood, the atmosphere, and the spirit of this home of mine- is almost completely within MY control.
Any other mama's feel that way?
Even if my husband is having a rough moment, I have the power to manipulate the energy of my home and turn it in a positive direction.
On the flip side, if I am the one having a rough moment, then EVERYONE in the home is having it rough.
That saying, "If mama aint happy, aint nobody happy" has 100% truth to it!!!!
I don't know what it is about this particular force of nature, but it sure does put a lot of responsibility on my shoulders!
I recently had a particularly rough day with my three year old.
She was just SO ANGRY. ALL. DAY. LONG.
And I know that it was stemming from me not giving her the kind of attention that she requires.
However, she was treating me so very badly that I LITERALLY started to cry actual tears.
No. Lie.
Has anyone else's threenager made them cry? No? Just me? Awesome.
Well as soon as I felt the tears surfacing, I just looked at her and said "You know what? You have been really rude to me today and I have had enough of this treatment. I'm going downstairs right now because you and I just need to be apart for a little while."
After spending some time apart, a quick phone call to my mom, and after a nice heart felt prayer, my daughter and I were able to work things out and the day went on.
Once I caught on to the fact that everyone in this house is completely and entirely influenced by my mood, I realized that I needed to put in a solid effort to be as happy, upbeat, and positive as humanly possible.
Because life's tough.
There's always going to be SOMETHING worth stressing over or crying about.
But as long as I maintain a positive attitude, then the atmosphere of this home will remain positive and uplifting.
It may be a giant responsibility of mine, to maintain the peace regardless of how I am doing,
but it is nice to know how much of what goes on in this home- is within my control.
My home is EXACTLY what I make it.
And as for now, I am pretty dang happy about it.
So take control of the energy in your home.
Take control of the energy that you yourself bring into your home.
Your home is exactly what you make it.