You Are What You Think
I recently did an Instagram poll on the type of content that my readers/listeners want more of.
One of the topics that won by 100% of the votes was Mental Health!
If you prefer to listen to the podcast episode, click here.
Or listen on iTunes here!
If you prefer reading, then scroll on!
"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he" -Proverbs 23:7
One of the topics that won by 100% of the votes was Mental Health!
If you prefer to listen to the podcast episode, click here.
Or listen on iTunes here!
If you prefer reading, then scroll on!
"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he" -Proverbs 23:7
In other words... We are what we think!
It has been my personal experience that whenever depression and anxiety has manifested itself in my life- it has been due to one thing- dwelling on the negative.
In my personal opinion, anxiety and depression might also be considered "chronic negative thinking".
This should both be upsetting, as well as empowering- for those who suffer from chronic negative thinking such as myself!
Upsetting because, well, it implies that we have control over it when we feel so dang helpless and out of control!
And empowering because, well, it implies that we have control over it when we feel so dang helpless and out of control!
You are what you think.
But you are ALSO, what you surround yourself with.
WHO you allow into your circle of influence.
What ENERGY you allow to affect you.
Words, actions, opinions, even visuals!
What are you watching on television?
What about the accounts you are following on social media?
Do your peers, co-workers, friends, or family members speak negatively?
Ever taken the time to actually listen to the lyrics to your favorite songs?
What is taking up most of your attention, and is it motivating you or dragging you down?
Some of our triggers may be out of our control.
I wont bother making a list, because it could literally be anything!
But what about the triggers that we DO have control over?
What about the influences that we never thought could possibly be affecting us negatively?
You are what you think, but you are also what you immerse yourself in!
So what can we do about it?
Make the necessary changes.
Whatever IS in our control.
Create a single space that can be your sanctuary if you have to!
Or completely change your lifestyle and circle of friends if you can.
However big or small- make the change.
Practice thinking positively!
Consider keeping a gratitude journal.
For every negative thought, say five positive things.
Positive affirmations in the morning, or throughout the day.
Change the conversation.
Do more of what sets your soul on fire.
Think less of yourself, and find ways to serve others.
Or think MORE of yourself, and serve yourself.
Choose peace over anger.
Choose forgiveness over bitterness.
And if you're REALLY up to it- find ways to put a little bit more Jesus in your lives.
Read uplifting, edifying, inspiring material.
Can I say it? Ok I'm gonna say it... stop watching or listening to the news. Just gonna put that out there. It just aint good for us folks with tendencies towards depression and anxiety! It just isn't!
And can I say something else? Just because she's an "influencer" with 200k+ followers on Instagram doesn't mean you have to follow her. Just sayin. And no. Her life aint as perfect or #goals as you think!
These are just a couple of examples of things that seem totally and completely harmless!
But try going without for 30 days and see if you feel any better.
Give it time!
Results don't come over night!
For some, happiness is innate.
For others, we have to fight for our happiness.
But we are fighters.
We can and we will!