3 Simple Positive Parenting Tips
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3 Easy Ways to develop positive parenting:
1. Sweeten your tone of voice
You can say the same thing that you always say. Just focus on using a calmer, sweeter tone of voice when you say it.
2. Use positive language
Instead of saying "don't do that" say "hey, do this instead!". Or instead of saying "no" say "yes, after ____" etc. Or instead of saying "stop that!" say, "that's not a good idea because _____". And yes, your child understands a TON more than you think!
3. Smile and laugh A LOT!
I go into more depth on this on the podcast and I really encourage you to listen to it. But basically what you need to know is that we are our child's security blanket. And being that role of "security blanket" is sacred and it is FRAGILE. Be that source of positivity for them. Be that source of support that they so desperately need as they experience the pains and frustrations of development. When they look at you, smile. If they are hurting, make them laugh.
I am a true believer of this method of parenting. Positive parenting has CHANGED THE GAME for me completely! Our home is so much more peaceful and happy. Especially on those days where I slay at positive parenting. (Which is a daily battle, trust me!) So if you are struggling with these tips, trust me, I get it. I struggle every single day. That is not an exaggeration. But with time, patience, and lots and lots of practice- we will get it down!