For The Anxious Mom: Have a Schedule

Dear Anxious Mom,
I get you!!!!!
I have struggled with anxiety and depression my whole entire life.
It has manifested itself in many shapes and forms throughout my development.
It has never been harder to manage than when I became a Mother.
So here's my tip of the day for you, my lovely little anxious friend!

Have a schedule!
And be reasonably flexible with that schedule!

It seems like with a toddler, we have something different going on every day.
Maybe it's swimming lessons, dance, gymnastics, toddler time, preschool, etc.
So on the off days where you aren't sure what to do, or even
during the hours of the day that you want to fill with useful activities- here's an idea!

The following is more or less our "daily" schedule. 
We switch it up on days that Milani has gymnastics, toddler time, and eventually preschool.

8:30 AM- Breakfast (We usually don't wake up before 8 am)
9:00- Park/Swimming (This is obviously geared towards summer days when it gets too hot to leave the house after 11 am! That's desert living for  ya!)
10:00- Yoga/Exercise
11:00- House work
12:00- Shower and Lunch (yep. I don't shower until noon. Sue me!)
1:00- Quiet time/Movie
2/3- 1 hour of Mommy and Mila time- Books, Art, Fine Motor Skills, etc.
4:00-___________________ (Ideas? I don't know what to do with this hour of the day!)
5:00- Prepare dinner
6:00- Dinner and Visit as a family
7/8- Bath
8/9- Bed time
9:00- Mommy alone time! *DO NOT DISTURB!

I would love to hear some of your suggestions for filling the day with useful and quality activities!
What do you do with your little ones???

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