"Charity PREVENTETH a Multitude of Bad Behavior"

Ever since our Son was born (1 week ago today), our three year old has been acting out more than usual.
Which was to be expected.
However, it is no fun and I hate the frequent contention.
So last night I was praying and asking the Lord for some inspiration on how to remedy the situation when this scripture came to mind-

"And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves; for charity shall cover a multitude of sins."
-1 Peter 4:8

In another translation of this scripture, it states "charity preventeth a multitude of sins"

That simple word change made all the difference in my understanding of this scripture and how it can apply to me as a parent right now.

As I sat and pondered the meaning of this scripture, it came to my attention that this concept is one that I have read and re-read throughout my parenting books!
Young children need constant positive reinforcement.
And we should be having 7 positive interactions with our little ones to every 1 negative interaction.
I don't know about you, but this requires a lot of effort on my part!
Especially now that I have a new little distraction that is very demanding of my time and attention.

So I reworded the reworded version of this bible verse to apply to parents-
"charity PREVENTETH a multitude of bad behavior"
-Elise Elizabeth Translation of 1 Peter 4:8

May we all practice expressing to our little children more and more love and positive reinforcements!

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