I Have a Serious Problem....

My husband came to bed last night and looked at me and asked, "What are you thinking about?"
And I replied, "I'm thinking about how I think too deep!"
Thinking about thinking.

But really.
I have a serious problem... with deep thinking.
Some people sleep deeply.
Like my husband for example.
World War III could be going on in our front yard and he would sleep right through every bomb and gunfire.
Me? I could deep think through it.

Just the other day, we were all sitting in the family room looking for something to watch on the TV when I "came to" after one of my deep thinking episodes and looked at my daughter, who was doing something that I didn't approve of, and quickly snapped at her- ordering her to stop.
My husband quickly said, "Don't even. She has been asking for your attention for like ten minutes."
I was like "Say wha????"
I had NO. IDEA. Guys. This is not a joke. I had zero recollection of my daughter trying to talk to me and get my attention.
I am fairly certain this happens all day long...

So last night I was laying in bed thinking about my thinking problem.
I want my daughter to feel important!
I can't just blow her off like that all the time, but how do I control something that I feel is so out of my control?

Now, I am not sure if I can control the whole- falling into a deep thinking episode.
However, I CAN control how I react to my daughter when I "come to".
Especially since she frequently is hitting me and screaming at me to come back to earth.
Guys. This is not a joke.
I told you. I have a problem.

So today I have made it a conscious effort to be more AWARE.
I even prayed for this ability, and I gotta say... it's worked.
Earlier she asked me something when I was in the zone and I consciously pulled myself out of the zone, thought back on what she had asked me, and replied.
It was definitely a delayed response, but I could see she was pleased that I responded at all!
I did this on three separate occasions just this morning.
Wow.... I really go full on out of it a lot throughout the day.
(Today I'm sure it's a little bit extra since I was up A LOT with Malachi through the night last night)
However I am proud of myself for making the effort and responding even if it is pretty delayed!

I read recently that children these days feel very "unimportant" and that concept has been haunting me.
I have been evaluating myself, looking for ways that I may be making my children feel "unimportant" and have been making a conscious effort to fix it.
Deep thinking is one of those ways that I am sure I make my daughter feel unimportant.

Thanks to prayer, and a serious effort on my part- I have seen an improvement just this morning!
How might you improve on making your children feel more important?

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